About Me

I am a results-oriented team player able to meet KPIs. My experience includes growth-hacking an educational app to the #2 spot in the Educational Apps category in the iTunes App Store, as well as having the app featured in the original iPad Air launch video in 2012 (minute 1:17). Like leaders at most startups, I was able to have a hand in a variety of products and programs, as well as strategic planning, marketing, data analytics, UX design and research.

I also worked as the Director of Operations/Chief Problem Solver at the top choice-in schools in Denver Public Schools. In this data-driven role I developed, implemented, oversaw and assisted with a variety of crucial strategic, growth-oriented programs, including implementation of two community-wide SaaS platforms. I also worked closely with stakeholders including the PTA, Denver Police, and Denver Public Schools. I gave multiple data-centered updates to the various stakeholders throughout the year via both written and in-person presentations.



  • Believe in working not just hard, but smart
  • Refuse to be stagnant, and feel most alive when I’m outside of my comfort zone
  • Believe that diversity is important in all aspects of life, not just for financial portfolios
  • Strive to be the smartest in the room, but prefer to be surrounded by people smarter than myself
  • Am inspired by art, nature, music, culture, history, hard work, and unexpected acts of kindness


University of California, San Diego
240-hour Data Science & Visualization Certification • July 2019

University of California, San Diego
Master’s of International Affairs • Emphasis in Nonprofit Management • June 2005
Leadership Certificate, School of Global Policy & Strategy • May 2019

City of Carlsbad, CA
Citizen’s Academy • April 2019

University of California, Berkeley
B.A. in Political Economy • Focus on Latin America • May 2002

Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Spanish Language,Culture, and Civilization Immersion • Summer 2001


Little Sky Writers App

  • Successfully helped to design, produce, and market Little Sky Writers, an app that helped children learn to write.
  • Featured 3+ times in the iTunes App Store including New & Noteworthy and App of the Day.
  • Ranked as the #2 most popular app in the Education category in October 2013.
  • Featured in the iPad Air launch video at minute 1:13.
Pertussis Outbreak Machine Learning Predictions
  • Lead team designing model to predict the possibility of a pertussis (whooping cough) outbreak in each of the California counties using supervised machine learning predictive multi-linear regression model.
  • Used Python Scikit, Pandas, Excel, Tableau, Plotly, and D3.js.
  • Data pulled from the Census API and the California Health & Human Services API.
Opioid Addiction Analysis
  • Analyzed the effects of various factors on the current opioid crisis, including education level, prescription rate, overdose death rate, recession legacy, and poverty rate.
  • Pulled from the Census API, Google Maps API, the CDC, and other sources to assemble dataset on nearly 3,000 US counties.
  • Used Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Plot.ly, seaborn, scipy, numpy, and gmaps for analysis and visualization.
School Transportation
  • Worked with a wide variety of school, district, city, and community stakeholders to create two successful bus systems, one with 7-routes and one with 12-routes.
  • Used community surveys, Maptive, School Bus Logistics, Quickbooks, and multiple complex Excel for analysis, budgeting, and route creation; used MySchoolBucks, PikMyKid, and Excel for logistics.
  • Program going into it’s 5th successful year of moving over 40% of total student population each day.


Denver Language School
Director of Operations/Problem Solver • Jan. 2016 to Dec. 2018

  • Ran business analytics, planned and implemented all aspects of the schools’ operations, and worked closely with multiple stakeholders including the Board of Directors, Denver Police, and Denver Public Schools.
  • Saved over $65,000 by renegotiating copier contracts with vendor.
  • Led implementation of two community-wide SaaS platforms: Schoology and PikMyKid, with over 90% adoption rate among staff, students, and parents (2000+ users per platform).
  • Performed daily digital analytics to update and improve SaaS platforms.
Denver Language School
Project Manager • Jan. 2015 to Jan. 2016
  • Managed all aspects of the opening of a new, unorthodox campus, including working with key stakeholders, facilitating the physical move including all logistics, and acting as the public face of the project.
  • Used data mapping, analytics, and modeling to managed systems design and implementation.
DANO Mobile Entertainment
Managing Director & Product Manager • 2009 to 2014
  • Second employee at a startup whose physical products were sold in over 14,000 big box and specialty store locations, including Target, Best Buy, and Walgreens, as the result of successful marketing and PR campaigns.
  • Designed and executed educational programming and sales including PR and communications. Performed e-commerce analysis and created data pipelines in order to improve and update sales and marketing systems.
  • Hired and managed lean team of employees.
Save Our Sound Organization (Sound System Kids)
Founder & Board Member • 2011-2014
  • Successfully filed for 501(c)(3) status to create music education nonprofit.
  • Worked with co-founder to set up organization and to write by-laws, create business plan, recruit board members, and design programming.


Technical Skills

  • Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, VBA
  • Data Manipulation & Visualization: Pandas, Matplolib, Seaborn, Plotly, Leaflet, Tableau
  • Database & Dataframes: Excel, Pandas, SQL, SQLAlchemy, MongoDB
  • Other: Git, Flask, BeautifulSoup, statistical modeling & analysis, market research, ETL, SquareSpace, SciKit Learn (ML)
Oral, Written, & Presentation Skills
  • One-on-one communication
  • Group meeting facilitation
  • Large group presentations
  • Written communication & newsletter creation
  • Former college and middle school instructor
  • Speak calmly even when stressed or under verbal assault
Team skills
  • Leadership certification from UC San Diego's School of Global Policy & Strategy
  • Strong experience working on and leading teams with a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and incentives
  • Successful problem solving and conflict resolution experience
  • Excellent listening skills; able to make all team members feel included and able to contribute



Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia

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